Taguspark’s main activity is the installation, development, promotion and management of the largest science and technology park in Portugal, as well as the provision of support services necessary for its activity. It occupies a total of 360 hectares, 150 of which are occupied by about 160 companies and 16,000 professionals who work and visit the park daily.
The City of Knowledge, located in the Municipality of Oeiras, has a unique ecosystem in Portugal, bringing together companies, research centers and the university. The quality of this interface allows Taguspark, organizations, entrepreneurs and startups to develop marketable solutions with export and internationalization capacity.
In 2018, Taguspark advanced a route of regeneration from the built to 21st century levels, creating exceptional working conditions for companies and businesses based on scientific and technological.
The year 2018 was also marked by the beginning of the cultural transformation of Taguspark and the adoption of a strategy of growth and community involvement, which resulted in the project Towards the Most Civic Park in Europe, which aims to involve and promote good environmental practices, and the creation of the Museum of Urban Art.
In 2021, Taguspark took on a new position, City of Knowledge, which embodies the new reality that is lived here, a multicultural work city, with a strong civic and artistic identity.
Taguspark was created by government initiative in 1992, with the involvement of the Municipality of Oeiras, constituting a centerpiece of a municipal development strategy (now embodied in the Oeiras Valley concept) for attracting technological companies with the aim of transforming Oeiras into a unique development territory in Portugal.
Taguspark – Society for the Promotion and Development of the Lisbon Area Science and Technology Park, SA Share capital: € 21. 750. 000,00 Registered at the Commercial Registry office of Oeiras with the unique registration and tax identification number 502 857 587 Address: Taguspark, Núcleo Central, 100 -2740 – 122 Oeiras Phone: + 351. 21 4226900 Email: taguspark@taguspark.pt
Our mission
- Developing business, innovation and teaching activities.
- Promote interaction between companies, Research & Development Centers and the University.
- Promoting an environment of international competition.
- Promote a sustainable urban environment.
Shareholding structure
Orgãos sociais
Mesa da Assembleia Geral
Presidente Dra. Rita Maria Ferreira de Almeida Mouzinho
Vice-Presidente Comendador Nazim Ahmad
Secretário Dr. Ednilson Fernandes dos Santos
Conselho Fiscal
Presidente Dr. José Jacinto Iglésias Soares
Vogais Dr. Vitor Farinha JM Ribeiro da Cunha & Associados, SROC, representada por Dr. José Maria Ribeiro da Cunha
Vogal Suplente Dr. Paulo Ribeiro da Silva – Revisor Oficial de Contas
Comissão de Remunerações
Dr. André Figueiredo
Dr. Pedro Castelão de Almeida Sousa Matias
Conselho de Administração
Presidente Dr. António Manuel Frade Saraiva
Executivo Prof. Doutor Eduardo Baptista Correia
Não Executivos Eng.º Alexandre Filipe Teixeira da Fonseca Eng.º Artur Frederico Silva Luna Pais Prof. Doutor Fernando Henrique Corte-Real Mira da Silva
Conselho Científico e Tecnológico
Prof. Cláudio Soares
Prof. Jonathan Howard
Prof.ª Cecília Rodrigues
Prof.ª Helena Galhardas
Prof. Fernando Mira da Silva
Prof. João Paulo Baptista Carvalho
Prof.ª Joana Mendonça
Governo da sociedade
Relatórios e Contas